
The photos on this page show resin and plastic recasts, produced using Stuart figures and accessories to make molds. Reproduction Stuart packaging with real Stuart items are also shown. If you aren't sure of what you are buying, ask the seller questions before making a purchase. Some reproductions are in different colors but some are very much the same color as a Stuart's. There are also a variety of dyed and painted Stuart items that appear for sale. (Also see the Knockoffs page.)

Bruce R. Recasts
Bruce Redenhour's Stuart recasts. He also made
a knife and gun for his resin Stuart recasts.

bruce resins2

bruce redenour
Bruce Redinour at an Atlanta Toy Soldier Show

overfield recasts
Hard plastic accessory recasts by Bob Overfield.
The white, red and blue hats are similar colors to Stuart.

recast dog
A recast character dog.
Unknown maker and material.

repro packaging
Reproduction Stuart packaging with real Stuart items,
created by graphic design artist, Wayne Ratti.
Wayne says that he creates reproduction packaging
as the real Stuart complete sets are hard to find.

repro back
Wayne's reproduction packaging is labeled
"Reproduction" on the back of each card.